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(470) 735-0618

Finally, you can have The best wings ever at home!
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The Ultimate Chicken Wing Sauce
Over 4 Million wings sold!

Many wing enthusiasts have embarked upon a quest for the perfect chicken wing sauce. These wing experts search high and low for sauces that feature bold, exciting flavors, the right consistency, and a taste that makes homemade wings more delicious with every bite. If you've been searching for that sauce, we're proud to say that your journey has ended. Old Dad's Wing Sauce is simply the best sauce available.

Our president, Rick Palmer, is proud to be able to sell a sauce that he created back in 2003. Since that time, folks from all over the Dawsonville, Georgia area have come to appreciate our products, bringing our food truck plenty of business. Having brought our special sauce to local grocery stores, we're now introducing it nationwide, for purchase by wing enthusiasts across the United States. Our sauce makes wings taste positively incredible, and it goes great with plenty of other dishes as well. The only limit when using our sauce is your imagination. Buy a bottle today, and find out why so many wing lovers have gone wild for our remarkable sauce.

Our sauce is sure to become a mainstay in your pantry. If you'd like to taste it for yourself, visit our store today and purchase a bottle for only $7. You'll enjoy a one-of-a-kind wing flavor without ever having to visit the grocery store. Your taste buds will thank you and so will your friends and loved ones when you give them the gift of Old Dad's Wing Sauce.

Our Unique Wing Sauce

Wing Sauce

      Cooking Tips

-Cook wings to internal temperature
of 215 degrees

-Garnish lightly with lawrys lemon

-serve hot
*if you like it a little hotter, just add some 
cayenne pepper

Rely on us when
you want a truly special sauce for your wings.
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(470) 735-0618

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Shipping Nationwide

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